Brad’s Bio

About The Attorney

Bradley Odegard is not your average attorney — he is a JD, CPA, former CFO of one of the largest companies in New Mexico, and lifelong businessman. Brad leverages his skills as an elite negotiator and aggressive litigator to ensure that none of his clients are left feeling hopeless in their case, even when the odds are stacked against them.

Learn more about Brad and his vast experience as an attorney, accountant, and advisor

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Brad’s Services

Business, Tax, and Estate Law Services

Whether you’re in the midst of a falling out with a former business partner, the IRS is coming after you with all their might, or your estate is at risk, you need an attorney who can make sense of the situation.


Business Controversies

When the unexpected occurs, it can devastate even the savviest business professionals


Tax Controversies

Brad can handle even the toughest State and Federal tax controversies


Estate Law

As a tool to protect families and preserve wealth, an estate plan must provide peace of mind.


Business Operations

Navigating complex corporate operations is treacherous, and there is little room for error

Brad’s Specialties

Negotiation and Litigation

Brad equips his clients with the strategies they need to walk away from the table with a favorable settlement or take the case to court. As an experienced negotiator, arranging a beneficial agreement is his first instinct to save his clients time and energy. However, despite the status or stature of the opposition, Brad is prepared to litigate to protect and preserve their rights.

See What Brad’s Clients Say

Brad’s Blog

Articles and News

Brad’s blog is here to educate and entertain his audience regarding business, tax, and estate law concepts.

Contact Me

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180 Paa Ko,
Sandia Park,
NM 87047